Revisiting Power and Interdependence


The first section of this article examines the relationship between power and interdependence, the ideal type of complex interdependence, and explanations of changes in international regimes. In the second section, the authors critique their concepts and theories, and examine which elements of their argument have been most fruitful for later work. The third and fourth sections raise questions about concepts such as those of “systemic political processes” and “learning” that they did not explicate clearly in Power and Interdependence, but which they think suggests fruitful directions for future research.


Power, Interdependence, Systemic Political Process, Learning.


Keohane, Robert O.; Nye, Jr., Joseph, “Revisiting Power and Interdependence”, International Relations, Volume 12, Issue 46, pp. 79-104.


  • Robert O. KEOHANE, Prof. Dr., Princeton University, ABD
  • Joseph NYE, Jr., Prof. Dr., Harvard University, ABD
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