IR Dataverse Usage

This guide outlines the steps for authors to submit their research data to Uluslararası İlişkiler's Dataverse repository upon article acceptance. It covers requirements for quantitative and optional guidelines for non-quantitative data. It also details the registration process, dataset uploading, terms of use, and citation format. The submission process ensures transparency and replicability of published work.

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For Authors

Once an article is accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of Uluslararası İlişkiler, authors are expected to upload replication material to the Dataverse repository, accessible here: 

Authors using quantitative data are required to deposit the following material on to Uluslararas__ı İlişkiler’s Dataverse: the data, the code book or another appropriate description of the data set, a file containing the exact commands used by the author to generate the output, and the actual output from the statistical software.

All online appendices (quantitative or not) are to be deposited on to Uluslararas__ı İlişkiler’s Dataverse. An article will not be forwarded to proof stage until this is completed.

All data and other material published in the Dataverse are the responsibility of the authors alone.

While not required, authors that rely upon non-quantitative approaches can also submit data onto Uluslararas__ı İlişkiler’s Dataverse that cannot be included within the article.

Below is a step by step walkthrough for using Dataverse.

1. Registering as a user on Dataverse

Use the ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Log In’ if you already have an account.

 Once you register, email your registration info (not password) to Uluslararası İlişkiler – International Relations (u[email protected]).

2. Uploading your Dataset

Use the ‘+ Add data’ button in the Uluslararası İlişkiler – International Relations Dataverse and select ‘New Dataset’.

In the subsequent form, the following are particularly crucial:

Title:  Please use the button that will add ‘Replication Data for: to the title. The title should be what you are submitting to Uluslararası İlişkiler – International Relations.

Author and Contact: This should be prefilled with the info you registered. ‘Identifier Scheme’ and ‘Identifier’ fields can be used to indicate ORCID ID.

Description – ‘Text’: This field should contain the abstract (in English and then in Turkish) of the manuscript you are submitting to Uluslararası İlişkiler – International Relations.

Subject and Keyword: Select ‘Social Sciences’ from the Subject area. Choose at least 2 keywords relevant to your study. These terms will appear on the left of the Dataverse homepage, allowing users of the site to navigate.

‘Select Files to Add’ button can be found under ‘Files’ section. Briefly describe each file you add using the ‘Description’. Separate files should be submitted for the data, the code book or another appropriate description of the data set, a file containing the exact commands used by the author to generate the output, and the actual output from the statistical software.

‘Submit for Review’ box is at the top right-hand side of the page.

3. Terms of Use

All data sets uploaded to Dataverse are granted the CC0 waiver in order to reduce legal and technical impediments to using the data. Information about the waiver can be found at

If you do not wish to have the CC0 waiver applied to your data, after saving your data set, go to Edit and select Terms. Under Waiver select No, do not apply CC0. In the Terms of Use field, you are able to set your own custom terms of use.

4. Citation Format

After you have uploaded the data to the Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dataverse you will receive the citation information, which should be included as final paragraph of the acknowledgements, e.g.: Replication data for this article is available at: (this is the doi address generated by Harvard Database following publication of the material).

Please contact u[email protected] if you have any questions.

This file replied upon other similar documents on Dataverse, particularly Perspectives on Politics’s “Perspectives Guide to Dataverse” (September 2018).

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