Call for Papers: State of the art in “Foreign Policy Analysis"

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CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue (Summer 2025) on State of the art in “Foreign Policy Analysis” Guest Editors: Binnur ÖZKEÇECİ-TANER & Leslie WEHNER

As a field of study, Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) has developed a rich and multifaceted academic tradition. Due to its unique position between international and domestic politics, as well as its focus on theoretical and methodological innovation and conceptual debates about state action and the sources of foreign policy, students of FPA continue to produce exciting and relevant research.

In the past 15 to 20 years, research in FPA has primarily focused on various aspects. Examples include the role of party politics, role conceptions, and leaders' personality traits and beliefs from a decision-making perspective. Newly emerging work on emotions, social media, populism, and other political ideologies, social movements, crisis management, and public diplomacy, as well as the increasingly relevant studies informed by critical theory and feminism, offers exciting ideas and methods that contribute to the development of FPA, both theoretically and methodologically.

This special issue is an effort to review the state of the art in the past two decades and to offer new theoretical and methodological approaches to expand the reach and impact of the field of FPA. We welcome papers that (1) provide engaging assessments of the currently available literature and/or (2) offer novel theoretical and methodological approaches that will contribute to the newly emerging areas of research in FPA. We are equally interested in receiving scholarly works exploring the foreign policy behavior of non-state actors and the interaction between state and non-state actors in global politics.

The manuscripts should be between 6000-8000 words in length and comply with the author's guidelines on the journal’s webpage (

Abstracts of approximately 300 words should be sent directly to the guest editors Binnur Özkeçeci-Taner ([email protected]) and Leslie Wehner ([email protected]) by December 31, 2023.

Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by February 29, 2024. The deadline for final paper submissions will be June 1, 2024. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous, double-blind peer-review process. The special issue is scheduled for publication in June 2025.

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