Call for Papers: “Marxism and International Relations: Still a Case of Mutual Neglect?”

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  • Special Issue: Summer Winter 2024
  • Subject: "Marxism and International Relations: Still a Case of Mutual Neglect?"
  • Guest Editors: Faruk Yalvaç, Jonathan Joseph

It has long been claimed that Marxism has had difficulty addressing international relations and the fact of international multiplicity. This is coupled with IR’s long-standing neglect of Marxism as relevant to its main concerns.  However, this “double neglect” has changed in the last decade, with both IR and Marxism taking the concerns of each other seriously, creating a platform of research that reaches far beyond the traditional remit of both IR studies and Marxism. This special issue will address and evaluate the evolving relationship between IR studies and Marxism with a focus on current debates as they pertain to the main topics of IR (as broadly defined). The aim is to revisit the traditional approaches to Marxism and IR to see how this interaction will provide a new agenda for future studies and how Marxist thought can intervene to bring more clarity to the main issues of international relations.

Within this framework, the special issue invites theoretical and theory-inspired empirical work that interrogates the relationship between Marxism and IR. We ask for papers that deal with but are not limited to one of the following themes:

Philosophy of Science, Marxism, and International Relations; Geopolitics of Capitalism; Marxist theory of the state, foreign policymaking, and class conflict; IR theory, capitalism, and the problem of Eurocentrism; Uneven and combined development and global transformation; Marxist approaches to international law; Marxist approaches to international political economy; Hegemony, passive revolution, and IR; Marxist Ecology and International Relations; Marxism, post-humanism and new materialism; Socialist feminist theory and IR; Revolutions and Marxist Theory

The manuscripts should be between 6000-8000 words in length and comply with the author guidelines on the journal website.

Abstracts of approximately 300 words should be sent directly to the guest editors Faruk Yalvaç ([email protected] and [email protected]) and Jonathan Joseph ([email protected]) by March 30, 2023.

Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by April 30, 2023.

The deadline for final paper submissions will be September 30, 2023. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous, double-blind peer-review process. The special issue is scheduled for publication inJune 2024.

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