Call for Papers: “Continuity and Change in Turkey’s Foreign Policy”

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Call for Papers


Special Issue (Winter 2023)


“Continuity and Change in Turkey’s Foreign Policy”

Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Meliha Benli Altunışık

Uluslararası İlişkiler is pleased to announce a special issue on the “Continuity and Change in Turkey’s Foreign Policy” as part of a 4-issue series to mark the centenary of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.

One of the main issues in the study and discussion of Turkey's foreign policy, especially since the Justice and Development Party’s advent to power in late 2002, has evolved around the concept of “change” in foreign policy. This special issue will not only focus on the Justice and Development Party period but rather take a long durée perspective and analyze the subject of change and continuity in Turkey’s foreign policy historically and with emphases on conceptualization and empirical analyses.

The issue seeks to address change in Turkey’s foreign policy by asking two interrelated questions: First, how can we conceptually and empirically account for foreign policy change? Second, what are the origins of change in particular epochs under examination?

The topic of change in Foreign Policy Analysis has been debated more extensively since the end of the Cold War. Part of the discussion has centered on identifying the nature of the change (Hermann 1990), and on the origins of change (Gustavsson 1999).

Engaging with these discussions and different theoretical frameworks, this special issue aims to contribute to both the study of Turkey's foreign policy and the general debate on foreign policy change. As such, it seeks to perform several bridging functions, particularly between the material and the ideational as well as different levels of analysis. Studying long-established themes of Turkey’s foreign policy through variables such as identity, global systemic change, domestic politics, role conceptions, political economy etc., the issue aims to apply these discussions to several regions, issues and epochs in Turkey’s foreign policy.

The special issue will be prepared in English.

All submissions will go through double blind peer review.

The manuscripts should be between 6000-8000 words and in full compliance with the author guidelines at

Papers should be sent directly to the guest editor, Professor Meliha Benli Altunışık ([email protected]).

The deadline for the paper submissions is 30 December 2021.

To see the published special issue:

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