BOOK REVIEW: Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa

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Volume 19, Number 074, 2022
Book Reviews


Foreign aid literature is quite vast. Some scholars work on why donors give foreign aid, others dwell on the outcomes of foreign aid. While, from a realistic perspective, foreign aid is seen as a political tool, from a liberal perspective, foreign aid is a must for a developing country’s economic and political progress. From a structuralist perspective though, foreign aid is a new way to colonize the underdeveloped world. Kenneth Kalu’s Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa is about the outcomes of foreign aid, and mostly with negative connotations.


Foreign Aid, Africa, Development, Poverty, State Structures


To cite this article: Basri Alp Akıncı, Book Review “Kenneth Kalu, Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018”, International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 74, 2022 pp. 91-93.


  • Basri Alp AKINCI, Ph.D. Candidate, Kadir Has University, School of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities Program
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