BOOK REVIEW: Cold War and Turkey's Turn to the West
There are many common beliefs about the Cold War. These have become such common knowledge that they are not even questioned in daily references, let alone in academic lecterns. After World War II, the military, political, economic and cultural competition between the United States (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is generally referred to as the Cold War, and the year 1991, when the USSR disintegrated, is marked as the end of this period. Tolgahan Akdan's book, Cold War and Turkey's Turn to the West, critically reviews the "Cold War readings" in both world and Turkish literature.
Cold War, Turkey, West, Orientation
Pınar Kahya, Book Review: “Tolgahan Akdan, Cold War and Turkey's Turn to the West, Istanbul, Yordam Kitap, 2020”, International Relations, Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, pp. 127- 129.
- Pınar KAHYA, PhD Candidate, Research Assistant, METU, Department of Political Science and Public Administration; Inonu University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration