An Essay on the Theory of the Rentier State

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Volume 09, Number 035, 2012


This article analyzes one of the most frequently used terms in social science literature namely, rentier state on the axis of international relations and political science disciplines. Recently a series of notions such as the notions of rentier state, rogue state, failed state, weak state and collapsed state have emerged out and come forward in the literature. The study focuses on the oldest and least known notion among these set of notions that is rentier state. Given the term rentier state has a longer history than the other notions which belong to the same discursive formation, the study deals firstly with the historical development/transformation of the notion and then examines critically on the axis of political philosophy and economy the elements of the discourse in which the notion belongs to.


Rentier State, State Theory, Discourse Analysis, Development, International Division of Labour


Sune, Engin and Özdemir, Ali Murat, "An Essay on the Theory of the Rentier State", International Relations, Volume 9, Issue 35 (Fall 2012), pp. 3-31.


  • Engin Sune, Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Department of International Relations
  • Ali Murat Özdemir, Professor Dr., Hacettepe University, Department of Public Law
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