BOOK REVIEW: The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology


Fred Halliday, who studied at Oxford University and the School for Oriental and African Studies in London and received his doctorate from the London School of Economy where he served as a Professor between 1985-2008, is one of the leading experts in International Relations. Halliday, whose area of expertise is the Middle East and who has many books and articles related to the region, served as a research professor at the Barcelona Institute for International Studies after retiring in 2008 and passed away in 2010 at the age of 64.


Book Review, Fred Halliday, Middle East, International Relations


INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Volume 10, Issue 40, Winter 2014, p. 167 - 172


  • Mustafa YETİM, PhD Candidate, Ankara University, Department of International Relations
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